Saturday, August 11, 2018

Two food contests

There were two contests in a row with food-related themes. First, a contest with a LOT of modifiers:
  • It was for a company that does iPad coloring books, so it was to be in black and white linework only
  • Plus the top designs could be featured in the coloring app, which does NOT do repeating designs, so our entries were supposed to be (or easily formatted to) 2200 by 3300. (as you can imagine, most people ignored that in order to make something more appealing as a repeat, since there's probably a bigger potential return on investment for yardage/wrapping paper)
  • And the actual theme was "food frenzy."
My inspiration was actually really simple. When I noted down the contest themes, I summarized it as "Food Coloring." So hey, how about those cute little bottles of literally food coloring?

Coloring food? Food coloring!

I even took a few reference photos of food coloring in our kitchen (without spilling it everywhere!), like a responsible artist. I'm really happy with how this came out. It almost made it into the top third of the contest! My favorite entry was the doodled fruits.

The next one was simply "tacos and burritos." I did polka dots (using the colors of traditional Mexical folk embroidery) with empty taco shells.

Imagine the tasty tacos

This ended up right in the middle of the pack. My favorite was the one that ultimately won.

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