Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rock and Roll

For the theme of rock and roll music, I wanted to avoid referencing any specific artist, so I depicted the drum notation for a "back beat," one of the key rhythms that distinguishes rock music. (Inspired by the Wikipedia definition of hard rock).

Back beat

The background texture is based on the kuba cloth ish design I did for the jazz contest, and the colors are from the Sgt Pepper album (i.e. the shiny psychedelic band outfits of the four Beatles - ok, so I did end up referencing a specific artist).

My favorites were the 45 rpm inserts (there were several designs of those, but those gold ones were the best) and the palm frond guitar picks.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


For the theme of "windows," I adapted two common quilt piecing designs with window names - cathedral windows and attic windows. I used the "bedtime" colors previously seen here. I combined all that together like so:

cathedral windows in attic windows

I think this would make a pretty good cheater print. Funnily enough, this got exactly the same number of votes (49) and favorites (14) as last week's Auld Lang Syne design. This contest had almost twice as many entries, but I retained essentially the same relative placement (in the bottom half). My favorite entry was this one.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Design for the new year

This week's theme was "New Year's traditions" - either what you do during the celebration or immediately at the beginning of the year. I decided to do a typographical design using the lyrics of "Auld Lang Syne."

I picked these colors, so the design came out like this:

singing in the new year

This was another challenge were I felt like very few of the entries were visually appealing. This one I liked the look of most. Mine didn't quite make it into the top half of entries.